50th Anniversary Celebration

Which Included

The presentation of the 2024 Dr Harry Blackmore Award to the State-wide Audiology Team


the 2023 Stan Perron charitable foundation/deafness council scholarship to Anzo Patel

On February 28th 2024 over 100 people from all sections of the Deaf and hard of hearing community attended the 50th anniversary celebration of the Deafness Council. The evening recognised the contributions made by many to improving the lives of Deaf and hard of hearing people over those 50 years. Some of the challenges still facing the Deaf and hard of hearing people, that the Council will address in the future, were outlined. The Stan Perron Charitable Foundation Scholarship was presented to Anzo Patel and the Dr Harry Blackmore Award to the State-wide Audiology Team. Thanks to the John and Bella Perry Foundation for their generous support of the evening.